Thank you for the answers so far! Especially interesting is that "Learn about himself" and "God likes Atheists" are leading in questions 1 and 5, as these concepts are not found in the 9 main religious belief patterns of the world.

If you do not agree to any answer on a question, you can post your differing answer here in a comment. For instance, the gods of several Christian and Islamic belief patterns burn people in hell just for their opinion. Burning someone because he disagrees to something is normally considered a hate crime. Of course it's difficult if not impossible to describe a god's feelings, so we're using words associated with human feelings. If a particular god behaves in a way that would be described as hateful in a human, "Hating" fits better than for instance "Disliking".

I copied one wrong answer from my original poll that had more options than 4 per questions. Instead of "Befriending", the option in question 4 should have been "Testing selected humans by exposing them to tough choices". But anyway, as polls can't be changed afterwards, so be it.