
hey thank you. smile
It took me just a few hours to do the screen saver. And I'm adding more features and options too.
And as I told some of my friends...its not the usual screen saver. But one where the some of the contents are dynamic and the whole screen saver can be interactive. You can just sit back and watch the whole thing like a demo run or press a key or click the mouse or drop it on some area and some of the content will change and/or provide extra features and options.

The manual for Cobra for both the demo and the full version are built into when using the IDE editor. But you can also extract the compiled html help file too and run it. I decompiled it into normal html files.
I don't know about the full version cause I only have the demo of both Cobra 2d and Cobra 3d package. But the tutorials and the examples for some reason are installed into your default Document and Settings directory and in the folder My Cobra Projects. I copied these into another folder onto the main hard drive. And in a folder called 'cobraexamples'

I don't know about others, but its your choice and decision whether to buy it or not.
But whatever you use to code and program, remember above all else and first to enjoy, have fun and learn. smile

Last edited by falagar8; 11/05/08 09:20.