In the event that I do not get any service calls to run out to tonight, I plan on cleaning up the code files. Right now they are in utter chaos. Many, many lines of commented out bits and pieces of things. They are very confusing right now. Almost as confused as I am!!!

The shader is PS.1.4 , but I hope to see if PS.1.1-1.3 can do the same.

Fraps does not want to record my screen for some reason. Wish it would.

I have played with various methods and have not had the absolute affect that I am seeing in my minds-eye. This is where I hope that we can all make something great out of this.

Methods I have been playing with are:
-alpha transparency
-ripple simulation
-whether to use a MDL or an HMP.
-What bumpmaps to use
-What scales to use
-etc, etc, etc.

I know very little about Gamestudio C-script and even less about DirectX and shader programming. This water situation has been a good way of "getting thrown to the wolves" and learning.

I'll get things posted as soon as I can and thanks for the interest!