hm... another silly question about heaven came to my mind. lets say your wife stops believing (for example like dan silverman). how can you be happy in heaven if you know that your wife is roasting in hell at the same time? how does this work with everyone being happy in heaven? (of course i assume that you love your wife. :))
Christians are not supposed to marry non-Christians for that very reason.

But usually if you have situation with a believer/non-believer marriage it is because the person KNEW before marriage that they were marrying an unbeliever and they either A)did not want to listen to the Bible or B)believed that somehow they could convert their partner later. Situations such as Dan's are rare. In my many years of Christianity I have seen maybe not even a half dozen personal cases like Dan's. Usually its the other way around, the husband will usually convert to Christianity from a 'heathen' state.

Most of the time when a believer marrys an unbeliever it is a Christian woman marrying a un-Christian man and hoping they will change.

What is much more common, and IMO much more heart wrenching is when children become unbelievers. Their parents usually have a difficulty adjusting to these decisions. I have seen many kids I went to school with being brought up Christian and became un-Christian as they grew up. I have also seen how hurt and miserable the parents get.

It is a very very difficult situation knowing that a loved one is going to hell, or not just loved_ones, just seeing people around you going to hell is very difficult sometimes.
I think you have misinterpreted my saying there is nothing I can do, to nothing_I_would_do.

For example, I have been talking to jcl,you and phemox in this thread I wouldnt want any of you to go hell. I am very sincere about that. But what can I do? I can only try my best and pray that some day you might see the truth and convince you the best I can. (although sometimes it seems if you guys just WANT to go to hell)

The point is I cant force you or anyone to believe.
how can you be happy in heaven if you know that your wife is roasting in hell at the same time? how does this work with everyone being happy in heaven?
Well how can anyone on earth be happy knowing that on average 150,000 people die EVERY_DAY? Many of them are dying painful deaths, many people are hurting and dying by the thousands EVERY_SECOND. How can any of us be happy? All you can do is try your best to help whoever you can and know that in the end you tried your hardest.
I believe in heaven we will just simply know that justice has been done. Everyone was given a choice, there was no partiality. In heaven, as on earth we need to continue to live, in spite of those who are less fortunate.

In fact, an atheist would be much more depressed than a believer about all the death and suffering because you have 55 million people dying every year, and every injustice and atrocity goes UNANSWERED. At least Christianity gives a reason for justice, and provides a recompense for all those truly evil things which have occured.

i assume that you love your wife
I do love her very very much, and though she has done many things wrong she never has rejected God.