Far Cry 2 is nothing like Far Cry 1. I mean, it still has a lot in common, but sometimes you won't notice it's Africa and not a tropical island in terms of how the game environment feels.

I can recommend Far Cry 2, but there's a bunch of things that might put you off.

I've only played the PS3 version and not that long. It's a good game, but it feels a bit more like playing Crysis without the sci-fi gizmos than playing Far Cry 1. There are some very awesome things, like realistic fire, pretty cool overall gameplay. But the malaria stuff is sometimes very confusing. Going in the wrong direction will kill you almost instantly in some places. Quite a bad design choice if you ask me, as it ruins the feeling of big wide space and freedom of choice as far as going where you want to go.

In some extent it takes getting used to, in others you'll feel very at home if you've played Crysis or Far Cry. I'd say it's a good shooter, but for my taste it has a bit too much console-stuff inside (I've played as said the PS3-version though),


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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