Hi Nard, didn't see your post there sorry


There are many books about making commerical games that are written by people that have not published a game.

Names please. I would like to research books written about publishing a game by people who have never published a game.


Dan's book will be a valuable addition to the 3DGS community and if he gives some good common sense direction to get a game published thats pretty darn good.

Dan has experience out the ying yang and you said it best, he can give directions. I don't think Dan would ever say that he knows how to get a game published and on the market just through his readings. I would bet his advice is based on real life expireience on the topics he's addressing


There is no sure fire way to get your game published

Which is why saying that you know exactly how to get a game published and out to market is a mis-statement.


On the Physics issue, I agree with Newton you should cover both. You said it yourself the Newton Physics is well documented. Why do it again. The 3DGS version of physics could use a book authors help in getting the information out to us users. I would buy the book just for a good description of using 3DGS physics.

I agree with you in principle since NGD is a viable alternative to 3DGS PE, but looking at the TOC, it doesn't seem that plug-ins are getting separate attention and thus, it would probobly be best to focus on the 3DGS PE only, if at all. Only saying this cause it would then admit into Red Armys todo list a network plugin alternative to 3DGS Networking, a particle effect plugin, etc.
If Red Army has the time he would do well to give all plug in their dues. But looking at the TOC, it would seem lopsided to include a plugin for one 3DGS system and not others.