I also want to say that I will be taking a trip to Florida for two weeks. I'll be out and away from a computer from June 5 - June 20. I can go to the library and use their computers when I need to, so if anyone wants to give me their AIM screen name so I can contact them during then, do so now. I will be going to the library random days probably. This shouldn't slow down the progress of the book. I am going to be writing on paper some of it while I'm down there, however it's going to be difficult by not being able to see the interface of the programs to write about it and such.

Anyway, just thought I might share that.

Oh, the website was updated a few minutes ago (added a banner and a "donate" button, lol). I think I might make one or two online type magazines for sale, like Part 1 and Part 2 with some game design stuff in it. It will probably be like a preview of the book. But the thing is, I really need a budget for some of these projects, especially Battlefields of Stalingrad. I have a model list for a demo for someone else to make that will cost somewhere around $5,000 - $10,000, and that's not pocket change...So if you can, please donate, because it will be towards our projects, and not a new car or a video game or anything.

-Daniel Koetter

Oh, one last thing for you Germans. I had a final exam on Thursday in my Deutsch Eins class. One of the questions was to describe your room. I put something along the lines of : "Ich habe ein Bett in mein Zimmer, aber ich schlafe am die Couch in die Hölle." What I meant to say was "I have a bed in my room, but I sleep on the couch in the den," and not "I have a bed in my room, but I sleep on the couch in Hell." I just thought that was really funny. I only found out about the mistake until school was done with. I'm sure my teacher is getting a laugh out of that.

**On break**