Even is this will not be another TUSC (and even the TUSC author stated his creation wasn't vaporware!) then there is something to learn from the TUSC thread. Actually, there are a few things:

1 - Telling the entire forum about what you are developing early on can be problematic (more on this in a moment)

2 - People at this forum really, really want cool things released (programs, books, etc) and get excited when they hear about potential projects

3 - These same people can get really, really upset when these projects don't come to see the light of day

When Conitec announced that a feature is going to be added or a new update is going to be released then most people don't wonder if this will occur or not. Why? Because Conitec has a track record. We have seen the releases and we know what Conitec is capable of. When someone else comes along and states they are going to do something like write a book and that this book will tell me how to succeed using 3D GameStudio and when that person has not succeeded themselves with a game made with 3D GameStudio ... then don't be suprised when someone starts throwing the name TUSC around.

I hope the best for you and your project. Surprise the more cynical members and actually complete this project.

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