Cause Afganistan is no military power.

I know Afghanistan isn't, but didn't Iraq supposedly have weapons of mass destruction and what not? We now know there never were any, not even biological weapons (since at least 1998)...

Using tactical nukes on bunkers and important structures never happened because of contamination problems. It might have saved some coalition forces lives as far as casualties of war goes, or maybe not.

Actually nukes never really saved peace (you know, there were still wars in the 20th century), in fact those same nukes cost lives right up to this day and beyond and we don't even really use them anymore because of the risk of a MAD-situation (mutually assured destruction) and huge contamination problems.

Against true terrorism, just 'having the bomb' won't work anyways...

Its different when China, India or Russia would go
into an open conflic with the US.

Why would it be any different? It's not different.


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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