Congrats for not having problems:)

And again, no i am healthy. No it is not me. Yes, i sit in a economic manner. It is Blenders Hotkeys. I have no problems in other software, but became problems in Blender. Fact smile

May i suggest to have a look at the top of every software? There resides everything file menu. Except in Blender. Half of the file menu is somewhere in the middle of the software. Parts even hidden until you enter a mode. I have spent days hunting for one special tool and had to ask a Blender user in the end. Very intuitiveParts are so hidden that you will never reach them without help. Who pulls an invisible handler at the top for example.

May i also suggest to have a look left and right of the software. Nearly every software has Buttons with Icons and Tooltips. Except Blender ...

May i also suggest to have a look at the customization posibilities. Every shown software is highly customizable. You can define your own hotkeys, you can customize your toolbars. Except Blender ...

It is out of question that you and lots of others are comfortable with it. Nothing bad with that. Blender has some very neat features. I don't complain about that. That is not the point. But i cannot reach them because the UI is in the way. I simply cannot agree that Blender is easy. It is not. I have tried it. Again and again. It is one of the hardest to learn and hardest to use software i know of.

I have over years again and again wasted my time with trying to learn Blender. I know it since 2000. I have spent complete Weeks with reading through tutorials and looking at videos. And everytime i gave up the hunt for the missing tools at one point because it became too much. It killed the fun. I am not made to learn 300 hotkeys. Yes i know, most Blender User talks about 20-30 for the mainwork. But even that is too much. I personally would give up 3D when i had to use Blender. That's for sure smile

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