What do you think why the big players creates such highly customizable UI's? It's all about the useage. You come from Maya? Then customize Silo to look like Maya. Big workflow plus. Big learning plus. You are in trouble to remember more than 10 hotkeys because you already know 100 from other software and would mix them permanently? Then just use this ten and use the button UI for the rest. Big workflow plus. Big learning plus. Under good circumstances you don't even have to touch a tutorial or the manual. You don't use the software permanently? Then you are lost with just hotkeys. You will have forgotten them when you come back. A hail to the icons and tooltips then that makes you remember what is what.

This is missing in Blender. You have fixed hotkeys, and that's it, besides a totally cluttered button UI. And they don't have a tooltip to explain the tool. They don't even have an icon to make you remember its function. Which means to have a steep learning curve before you can even do basic stuff.

half of that is in fact wrong. blender does have tooltips, it does have a mouse clickable gui, and you can set your bars up to do basically whatever you want them too. the only downfall you said that i agree with is the fact that you cant reset the hotkeys to your own settings, but once you learn them anyways its not an issue. and come on its logical-
u-unwrap toolz

xyz-transform on [key]'s axis.

it all makes sense.