half of that is in fact wrong. blender does have tooltips, it does have a mouse clickable gui, and you can set your bars up to do basically whatever you want them too.

Again, do hotkeys have tooltips? No, they don't.

Yes. Blender does have a button menu and tooltips. But you loose yourself in finding the right tool here. The button menu is totally cluttered. And i disagree that it is customizable enough. It is not. You cannot rearrange the menus. You cannot union the important parts to one toolbar. And you loose yourself in digging in the submenu of the submenu of the submenu. Means when the menu item is there. And not hidden in another mode.

The method to handle Blender is to use hotkeys therefore. The learning videos are made using hotkeys. The manual is made using hotkeys. It is the official way to use Blender. And then we are back at the point above. Hotkeys do not have tooltips.

One last question. How comes that so much people try Blender and fail at it when the UI is so great as everybody tells me here? All dumb?

Anyways, i know that this discussion is useless. Others simply leave it alone and never discuss. And that is what i do now too. I don't use Blender besides some small conversion jobs. And so i don't really mind about this software. It's just that i can never agree when somebody calls Blender easy, it simply isn't.

Last edited by Tiles; 12/07/08 08:48.

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