One last question. How comes that so much people try Blender and fail at it when the UI is so great as everybody tells me here? All dumb?
why does every little newbie age 14 seem to have 3ds max and doesn't know how to make a box and export it to fbx/3ds? the answer is: no one likes manuals. people expect from technology that it does what you tell it. instantly. but it doesn't. no big 3d suite does. you'd be as helpless in max as you are in blender without a manual/training. but "blender" isn't cool enough to dig into, so they crack max and think it'll make em a great artist. so yes, all dumb, at least the majority. look at maya's ui, look me in the eye and say, "it's cleaner, nicer and less cluttered than blender's". but every week we get several questions from said newbies who try to "export animations to 3dgs from maya" and alike.

i didn't master blender myself, but i recently learned lightwave, so i know exactly what it means to dig into a new tool. i had to buy a book and a training dvd, otherwise i would have probably sold it already.