Originally Posted By: smitty
I do not believe that Darwinism is proven to be true or that Creationism is proven to be wrong. If we evolved, then why are we not still evolving?

No one says that evolution stopped. If it happend in the past it also happens today. And have you not read the post from LarryLaffer? He showed that Creationism can not be true because when the universe were younger than 14 billion years, we could not see most of the stars that we see now. The reason is the speed of light.

That does not mean Evolution must be true, but it means Creationism must be wrong. At least in the scientific sense, its a classic example of a falsified theory. Its ok if you still believe in it, but this is then a religion and not a theory.

By the way, I'm also a Christian but dont think that your Bible quotes contribute anything to this discussion.