does it work with several light sources?

Not yet, I'm still optimizing everything for one light so it runs at the highest framerate possible. Once this is done, i will add support for more lights.

i think you should also add PSSM for outdoor sun light shadow

Working on it. I'm still reading through all the papers of PSSM, LiPSM, CSM, etc. and am trying to figure out which one to use.

Does this run on Vista?

I have no idea. I don't even know if it runs on Ati cards as i only have nvidia cards laying around. This will be figured out by the beta testers.

hey i just got a7 last night and got shade-c, only to notice ssao is disabled and the shadowmapping isnt even in yet, and known time on when it will be out?

I try to get the next version done by christmas eve so you have something to play with during holidays wink

HeelX just sent me some pictures of rendering errors. Anyone else got these problems? If so, could you please post your system configuration so i can try to figure out what the problem is? (left: no sunstorm -> bugs, right: with sunstorm -> everything works fine)

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework