
Darwinism has never been proven to be true no matter how many times you or any scientist says it has been. Not all scientists believe in Darwinism. There are many scientists who believe in Creationism. Did you read any of the articles I linked in my earlier posts? Creation Science is true because the word of God is true. Just because something is "science" does not necessarily make it true. Every bit of knowledge and fact as you claim does not prove Darwinism, because it has never been proven to be a fact. Nobody has ever disproven God or the bible even though many have tried, so Creationism is not a disproven fact. It takes faith to believe either one, and I still say that it takes a great deal more faith to believe that everything just happened and that we all evolved from slimy, creepy things and monkeys. The bible makes much more sense to me, and I don't have to be a brain surgeon, rocket scientist or nuclear physicist to see it. Man is not equal to God. God made man perfect. It was man who disobeyed God and failed. Creationism is not a fairy tale. It makes perfect sense because God is perfect. It is not a way to gain control over anyone. God is already in control of all things. He is sovereign in everything. He does not force us to choose Him or believe His word. He wants us to come to Him in faith. Yes, man is sinful and has always done great evil in the name of God, but we cannot judge God and His word by man. Tiles, I ask that you just read the gospel of John and keep asking God to reveal Himself to you. If you truly seek Him with all your heart, then He will show you that He is truth and His word is truth. My prayer for you is that you will want to know the truth that there is a God, that He is holy, that He cannot have sin in his presence, and that the only way to have our sins removed is by asking Christ to forgive our sins and save us through his atoning blood and resurrection. I am pleading with you not to harden your heart to His love for you. I pray the Holy Spirit will draw you to Christ and show you the truth. Keep asking God. He will show you!