. the Roman Catholic Church was responsible for a lot of persecution of Scientifically minded people, including Galileo.

This is a very popular opinion but it is false
Galileo has never been persecuted by the Catholic Church

Galileo was asked to prove the validity of the Eliocentric theory in front of a scientific (not a religious ) commitee of jesuit scientists but he failed

He used the argument of the high\low tides but the jesuits demostrated that tides do not depend on the movement of the earth

The famous sentence that he pronounced
" Eppur si muove " ( Nevertheless it moves )
has been understood as :
" I am right but you have the power "
On the contrary Galileo meant
" You may be right about the tides but I am right about the earth "

The positions of the Church was :
Since the eliocentric theory can not be proved beyond any reasonable doubt then the Bible must prevail, which is a quite reasonable position

The sure evidences of the eliocentic theory came only some hundred years later
At that point the Chatholic Church immediatly admitted that the Bible must be considered infallible only for ethics and religious matters

This to say that modern fundamentalists are much worse, from this point of view, than the Chatholic Church of the middle age, 150 years after , they are still insisting that Darwinism is not a proved theory

Last edited by AlbertoT; 12/08/08 15:22.