while it's a good example, it is still strictly me excluding them from it, assuming i would pull them away from it. i don't think i actually would pull them away from it. i'm not a huge fan of protecting kids from the world; more helping them grow in such a way that they can deal with it. if they're protected from other belief systems and then step out into the big bad world where they make Muslim friends who try to convert them and all they can say is "how come i didn't know about any of this?" that would be bad.

Good for you. I don't like overprotective parents either. Mine totally let me make my own mind about the uncertainties in our world. Even though my mother believes in the christian God and my father was also an active communist in his youth, I didn't learn about any of this until I was over 20 because until then they never ever spoke a word to me about either religion or politics. I was completely free to make up my own mind about these two subjects whereas other children don't have this opportunity to choose for themselves (it's so easy for parents to accidentally brainwash their kids..)

However, I don't like that you described your kid's mulsim friends that try to convert him as "the big bad world". In the same sense, smitty now is also the big bad world for trying to convert all of us (and any young non-christian kids lurking these forums) into christianity.

smitty, enough with the bloody quotes. You know, I was about to finally go buy and read the bible, but now with all these spoilers that you threw in this thread you completely ruined it for me :P The Passion by Mel Gibson was also a major giveaway for me (the jesus dude dies???).

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