Originally Posted By: Lukas
Originally Posted By: smitty
I am right (wing) and proud of it! smile

o.O Do you want to say that you are a Nazi?? confused

Right wing is not synonymous for Nazi, in fact, Nazis were socialists and that's usually considered to be left wing politics if I'm not mistaken,


if they're protected from other belief systems and then step out into the big bad world where they make Muslim friends who try to convert them and all they can say is "how come i didn't know about any of this?" that would be bad.

A lot of religious people are quite phobic from other religions, they maintain a big distance, do the 'they are different and must be wrong' finger pointing and there's usually an amount of ignorance about said other beliefs.

The system works better because there's this social control and peer-pressure, but also because it's often quite closed towards other belief systems,


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