My God man! Even Richard Dawkins admits that there may have been some intelligent source for the first living cell, and he's about as staunch an Atheist as there can be. How can you so confidently claim that there is no God?
Actually, you're mistaken, Dawkins only admits the possibility, as the scientific approach of the subject simply demands that.
actually, he's not mistaken. "may have been" = "only admits the possibility". what you're saying isn't any different to what he said.
As an example, I have no idea what some tribal guy in the deepest jungle believes. But if I encounter him and his belief, I don't just go, "Wow! I never knew that!" and then consider converting. :P
how do you know that tribal guy isn't going to pull out an incredibly logical and reasonable argument? and it's not necessarily about converting, but perhaps losing faith in your own beliefs. it's also about being a light to others, being able to defend the faith for their sake.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!