Originally Posted By: smitty
I think if evolution is going to be taught in schools, then it should be taught as a theory since that is what it is. Creationism should be taught equally side by side. Neither can be proven and both require faith, so why not teach both and let "freethinkers" decide?

It is being taught as a theory because it is a theory. All scientists will say "evolution is a theory."

But Creationism is not a theory by scientific standards and thus should not be taught in a science class. It goes against what we learn about the scientific method.

Evolution does NOT require faith, it requires evidence, which we have.

And if creationism is taught in class, it better NOT be only the Christian version, but also the Hindu, the Islam, the Judaic, the Shinto, the Buddhist, the Pastafarianism, the Scientologism, all faiths. Can a school reasonably teach every single faith out there?

There is but one science and many religions.

I was once Anonymous_Alcoholic.

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