I first started to learn about remote procedure calls when I started looking for an alternative to the 3DGS networking at http://www.jenkinssoftware.com/index.html (raknet).

It is so a system can tell another system to call a function (with parameters).

They talk about remote procedure calls with parameters in a thread about a project (that seems to have been abandoned) for a plugin of raknet for 3DGS.
You can find this thread at:

I have a question. I have never used a plugin yet for 3DGS and was wondering if I have understood everything correctly...

Would the steps to use your plugin be...?
-Your "default.c" is to be copied into "3DGS\include"?
-"anet.h" is to be copied into my project folder with the rest of my code?
-"anet.dll" is to be copied into (I'm not sure about this one... "acknex_plugins" or "sdk_plugin" or "sed_plugins")?

After I have finished placing those files in those folders I would have to enable it in my code writing...

-in my code then I write #include <default.c> as always?
-in the code I also write #include "anet.h"?

so it would look like this?
#include <default.c>
#include "anet.h"

So after all that everything should be ready to go and I can use you plugin's functions?

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
