This exaclty how enet_cl/svsend_event works!
The only difference is that you can't use more than the msg parameter. But because the msg parameter is a String, you can copy all parameters into the string and send these (could look like this: "1;4;5;6;89474585.102384;..." = all parameters in one string).

A detailed explanation is in the manual under enet_set_event() and enet_clsend_event()/enet_svsend_event().

These functions are also used in the pong example. The server sends an event (=a function) and let's the client call a function that plays a corresponding sound (depending on which value is sent in msg).

EDIT: Seems like I was to slow ^^

but am kind of confused. So if my main code file is called "My_Game.c" I make a "My_Game.wdl" in that same folder that only contains this line in the code?

That's correct! This is because Lite-C has no PLUGINDIR command.

Last edited by Dark_samurai; 12/10/08 13:58.

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