Dooley, thanks for the encouragement. My posts take a lot of time to write so it's nice to know that at least one person is reading them. From now on I'll be putting a tl;dr (too long; didn't read) statement under all of my posts, for all the other readers out there who are suffering from ADD smile

Just to clear my stance to all of this (again), I want to say the following. Only a fool can say in certainty if there's a God or not. We may attempt to explain the aftermath of Big Bang and how humans and everything else has evolved to their current state, but no scientist has the answer to what initiated the Big Bang. We do however have evidence that explain to a certain extend what happened from Big Bang until today, but none to claim if there's a God or not.


Originally Posted By: Dooley
A cell is millions of times more complex that a watch, is there any logic in assuming that it formed randomly?

I'll try to explain this one more time.. Natural Selection is not random. Meaning, the selection to which generations are allowed to breed and which die are nothing but random. The only thing random is how alterations are made to each generation. Also, and this is also a big misconception about evolution, the effects of evolution apply to both living and non-living things. Which means that the complexity of the first living cell should come as no surprise since it was also evolved from non-living things to the state of evolving certain attributes that would classify it as a living organism, such as the ability to re-produce and the ability to metabolize. It's just that the attributes of life allowed some things to survive through time better than non-living things. Also, the "laws" of natural selection were not designed themselves but they are simply derivations of the laws of physics. Now you may ask, well who designed these laws of physics then? Scientists have long tried to unify all four forces of physics into one and I think that eventually they'll succeed..

To make this even clearer, check this out:

Let's say I write a function in Lite-C about a super AI for an FPS game..

function SuperAi()

as you can see, I do use randomness for my AI, but that's hardly the whole thing for how my ai works. Same principle works for Natural Selection. It's greatness revolves around several NE laws which in turn get derived from physics, but randomness is only a small part of it.

Hope it makes sense..

tl;dr maybe there's God, Natural Selection not random


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