If the GUI with buttons and menus with text and icons and click select is the ultimate effective way why have not the grand piano, silver flute or electric guitar manufacturers adopted this god sent gift?

Because they are not software? wink

A UI should have both. Hotkeys AND a good button UI. That easy wink

I, and many others, am not made to just work with hotkeys. In other software that is no problem. Because they have a good working button UI.

Imagine when you would tell all software makers that they would just be allowed to use hotkeys in the future. I guarantee that they loose most of their users.

A sucking UI that is told to be cool has nothing to do with being an artist. When i break my fingers because the software makers have forgotten to implement a human UI then i keep my hands away. I don't use Blender for exact that reason. There is other software around. Which gives me not this massive battle with its UI.

To stay with your analogy, Blender is a flute with strange holes. It is a piano with secret buttons to bring up the keys. This instrument is odd.

Last edited by Tiles; 12/11/08 11:49.

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