@Lukas: God's miracles are part of His design. your argument assumes God didn't want to interfere in the first place, and is wrong.

@Dooley: that last line you said reminds me of something very similar i said on this forum recently.

@Smitty: i find it really interesting that you find that connection between HyperGraph and Dan. i don't see that connection at all; or at least not enough to think they're one and the same.


EDIT: i watched the video. people who vouch for the "logic" and "rationality" of such a video show how much it means to them to reject God.

the first argument doesn't really go anywhere. it takes 6 or so minutes to explain to us a very basic idea. "you're a smart person" he says, as if talking to someone in kindergarten. just because there's no "scientific" evidence for God, doesn't mean He isn't real.

the second argument about "scientific evidence" against is equally useless. if someone tells you you can't fold paper of any size in half more than 7 times, and gives you statistical evidence, and then you do it 12 times, who are you going to believe?

here's an important question: why do atheists even care? Christians want other people to be saved, for various reasons. why do atheists even care? and if it's the "religion kills witches and tall new york buildings" reason, don't bother. that's neither the fault of religion in general nor Christianity and Islam. it's a shame extremists are always labeled with the religion they claim to be such devout and spiritually mature members of.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 12/12/08 01:33. Reason: watched the video.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!