i wanna know how many people i've helped
how many lives i've affected (one stat for in any way whatsoever {as simple as if someone sees me on a street and has to walk around) that would be interesting}, as well as one stat for affecting in a stronger way {i don't know what would qualify though})

probably how many ppl i've dis-helped or hurt

and what people thought of me. although that is not so much a quantitative stat perhaps there could be a few specific things as to find out
eg: -idiot, -they liked me, -indifferent, etc. more specific than that though.

how many hairs are on my head on average, how many ppl i've seen, and how many clouds ive seen

i'd write a novel worth of what i wanted to know probably

but the sad thing is if i got stats like these, say once a year, i think i would live my life so much more meaningfully like someone like mother theresa did (cept for the hair one, fairly useless information)

damn you 20-20 only ever being after events! : )