Originally Posted By: Dooley
Lukas, your argument about God's opinion changing is invalid. Let me explain. You stated that if we assume God created the universe and its laws, then they should be perfect. Therefor there would be no reason for God to interfere with events on Earth, like answering prayers, performing miracles etc...

However, this argument assumes that we know God's intention behind creating the universe. It assumes that He was trying to create some machine which works perfectly. It's actually taking materialistic philosophy and applying it to God.

I did not claim that I know what god wanted to create (if he exists), I just sayd that god knew what he wanted when he created the universe and create it and the natural laws just as he wishes. If he influences later, that means he changed his opinion! As one of the two opinions must be unperfect, god can't be perfect!
Btw god revoked quite much stuff in the new testament, which means that he must have changed his opinion. As god is perfect, and changing his opinion means that he is not perfect, god can't exist. quod erat demonstrandum.