Originally Posted By: Lukas

So you are saying you cannot prove or disprove god. Do you know what things do that you can't prove or disprove? They don't matter! It's like claiming that there parallel universe wich doesn't have any influence in our universe. It wouldn't matter. You couldn't prove or disprove it. It's the same for god. You can't prove or disprove the existence of god because he doesn't influence in the world!

Not exactly. I'm saying that since science is uterly incapable of explaining how life originated, or how the physical laws originated, or how matter itself came into existence, and since all of these things seem to follow an orderly, intelligent system, it serves to argue that the first cause may have been an Intelligent God, instead of whatever it is you materialists might suppose.

This is compounded by the fact that throughout history, many people have stepped forward and have claimed that an almighty God has communicated to them through various means, and has inspired books etc...

Ignoring these books and prophets etc... is actually unscientific, because all the data available is not being considered.