You live in a very own and special world my friend.

It is FAITH, not knowledge. You can believe in the imaginary pink bunny, that would be the same. No difference. Both don't exist. And that you constantly repeat that you believe in a imaginary pink bunny doesn't make it more real. Show me the coat of this bunny, then we talk again. But up to that point there is just one conclusion, which counts for all imaginary stuff: it doesn't exist.

Save me from what? Who the heck gives you the right to invade my world with your nonsense? I have a thousand other fairy tales that sounds equal weird. Shall i invade you too? Bewaare, the master is talking, the hooly flowerpot will resscue yuu, Believe, now, and spend a few bucks to the church of the holy flowerpot. Or you will burn in compost forever. HA.

Find out what? In case i would find out the existance of a god i would do everything to tap this bastard into his fat butt for all the nonsense he has introduced. I have all reasons to hate such a guy in case it would exist. But this danger doesn't exist. Because there is no god. No god would make such a nonsense world. This is grown and evoluted.

Fact is there is no god. Just some scared guys who fears a world without the big brother on their side to master the life. And have introduced a god therefore.

"His" book is so full of mistakes and inconsistency that it is for me unbelievable that there are still people who believes in this nonsense. It is a good dozen times translated from one language to another, loosing words and sense with every translation, and modified and corrected to fit the mood of a few fanatics. And even the correct translated parts are more than weird.

Adam and eve are the parents of the whole population? We are incest childs therefore all together? Geez. The whole Genesis is disproven. Not a single proof for the told fairy tales, just disproofs. No water everywhere. And you cannot divide light from darkness neither. Physically impossible. And "He" has also not called the upper part heaven. Because the heaven is below too. Earth is round, not flat. And so on. Whole text is inconsistent and untrue.

And also the new testament is nothing else than written propaganda, written by some religious fanatics called apostle. Facts? Who cares. Our job is to convince people from this fairy tale. So let's put in a miracle here and there ...

Hey, i can tell you a miracle that happened to me before a few minutes. I have transformed water into peppermint tea. Weeha, i am a god.

There is also not just black and white. Not just Hell and Heaven. There are as much greyscales as there are problems and solutions. Even your "good" god is killing, now that's what i call love. We put such guys in the jail nowadays.

Honestly the Hell would be the better, more comfortable place for me. No religious weirdoes, so a good place. Party on. But that's another story.

Your god, my friend, is a manmade myth. And doesn't exist.

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