Originally Posted By: AlbertoT

If so, why my feelings are completetly diffrent than the ones of my creator ?

Should I really believe that a God of love has created a world which for me is horribly cruel just for his pleasure same as we create and play violent videogames ?

Hard to believe

I don't think your feelings of right and wrong are different than the Creator's. Yes He allowed evil to exist in this world, but why? What were His other options?

1. Allow no evil at all - this would be a pointless universe. We would all be robots, and would have no free-will.

2. Destroy Evil right away, or before it is allowed to Manifest - This would go directly against the concept of Mercy. If God destroyed evil people right away, or before they were able to behave in an evil manner, it would be a denial of our ability to grow and change, and a very un-merciful God.

3. Give everyone whatever they want right away - Sounds great, but what if someone wants another person to be dead? What if someone wants everyone to give all their stuff to him? What if someone wants it to be day, and another wants it to be night? This option is not very just, and would result in more problems than we could imagine.

4. On the other side, if He was an Evil God, He could have made it much worse. Imagine if evil people could do whatever they wanted, if they had super powers or the ability to make things happen just by thinking them. That would be worse. Imagine if there was no end to this life, and evil was allowed to go on forever. As it is, evil takes work, just like good. This gives the good people a chance to overcome evil, and limits the power that evil holds on the world. Also, believers accept the idea of a judgement, where evil is put to an end, and good is rewarded. This will make up for any injustice which was allowed to exist in this world.

I'm glad you're asking the questions you've asked, it means at least you're thinking about it. I'm not claiming to have all the answers either, this is just how I see things. I thought the same things not that long ago, but I realised that I was judging God in a way. I thought how I would have made the world better, but I could never really come up with a better model.

Also, when I asked whether the ideas of good and evil were innate in you, I meant that they are. I guess I was being sarcastic (a bad habit of mine), I was really trying to ask how you think those ideas got there. To me the very idea of right and wrong, existing in our minds, is evidence of a higher purpose in life, evidence of God.

Even if you can imagine life coming about randomly, and things evolving randomly (which I cannot) I think it's a real stretch to think that higher concepts like love, morality, truth came about by random coincidence. Sorry if I confused you.