
1. Allow no evil at all - this would be a pointless universe. We would all be robots, and would have no free-will.

Animals do not have free wiil
God has created evil , not simply allowed it


2. Destroy Evil right away, or before it is allowed to Manifest - This would go directly against the concept of Mercy.

Sarcasm is also a bad habit of mine
This explanation reminds me that guy who used to wear tight shoes
" For the pleasure to take them off, at home " he said


4. On the other side, if He was an Evil God, He could have made it much worse.

Well let's say He could have done something better
Again low level sarcasm .


I'm glad you're asking the questions you've asked, it means at least you're thinking about it. I'm not claiming to have all the answers either, this is just how I see things.

I appreciate
No sarcasm


Even if you can imagine life coming about randomly, and things evolving randomly (which I cannot) I think it's a real stretch to think that higher concepts like love, morality, truth came about by random coincidence.

Nobody can figure out things evolving randomly but science is not alwayes intuitive
Our intuition can be deceiving
Can you really imagine that "time and space"are not a absolute items ?

You dont need religion to explain love a morality

I have already proposed a couple of times to make the following computer simulations

You get started from a population made of

1\3 selfish poeple : they dont help nobody even the ones who helped them
1\3 generous people : they help everybody even the ones who refused to help them
1\3 normal people : they help everybody except the ones who refused to help them

I skip the details but you got it

You run the simulation

After some generatios the populations is made of

90 % normal people
5 % generous people
5 % selfish people

The selfish people, by the way, are a minority but they own most of the available resources smile

Nothing new under the sun

Last edited by AlbertoT; 12/13/08 17:24.