Originally Posted By: PHeMoX

The amount of complexity of something means nothing when it comes to who made what or even if it was made. Humans are able to make very advanced technological devices, automobiles, airplanes, computers that are incredibly complex, complex structures and much more, yet all of that wasn't made by God...


Again, you have to look at the initial cause. Yes humans can invent complex things, but not nearly as complex as the things already in nature. Plus, how did they get the physical ability (i.e. hands)to invent these things? How did they get the raw materials to do their inventing? How did they get a mind with which to solve all the problems which arise when inventing something? All these things are provided for us, yet we take them for granted.

The single celled organism, which evolutionsist believe just popped into existence, is so much more complex than anything humans have ever made, it's irrational to think that it could happen by chance. As I've said, it's like discovering a Boeing 747 in the jungle, and assuming that it just pieced itself together over time.

Another analogy: If you were walking along the beach, and you saw 20 shells organized in a square on the sand, would you think that it happened randomly? What if you saw twenty more squares, each made of 20 shells, set in a pattern? Whould you sit there and try to figure out how they randomly appeared there? I think any thinking person would assume that they were placed there by an intelligent entity (i.e. a person). Answer this question, please. I want to know if you would really assume that the squares are a random occurrance.