Free will is an illusion anyway. Your brain is controled by natural laws just as everything in the universe!

Originally Posted By: Dooley
The computer simulation idea proves nothing to me. In order to write a computer simulation, you need a computer, something which was designed by an intelligent entity. You also need the intelligent entity to write the program. These arguments support intelligent design more than a random evolution.

Rubbish! What a computer simulation does, can also be calculated by humans, just slower. And a computer isn't made by a god, it's made by a "failable" human.

Some things are too complex for our finite minds, that is why God made salvation so simple and easy that even a child can understand it.

This claim is very dangerous. It says: "Don't think for yourself! It's too complex for you! Let a 'god' think for you!" This is one of the reasons why the church got so much power in the middle ages.

Last edited by Lukas; 12/13/08 20:32.