wow. i played Yo Frankie!

i was so impressed by how epically terrible it is.

such a dodgy piece of rubbish, with some okay visuals.

so many times i would jump in seemingly friendly objects (such as a tree that appears intentionally bent for me to jump on, or a tree stump that's the perfect height and position to sit on for safety from a charging ram) just to find my character stuck in the "free-fall" pose while he slides around on top.

enemies usually won't notice me, and then if they do the rams follow me for ages, even when i'm beyond their reach, and their attacks work only sporadically.

the spring is knocked around way too easily and jumping off it is shamefully inconsistent. the control method (left and right to rotate, forward and back to move; as opposed to just running in a direction relative to the camera) is hopeless for a platformer, and this especially shows when trying to bounce repeatedly on the spring.

i was given no indication of where my goal was, and after getting there with some spring-work simply to explore the level i found that i was given an end-game sequence that could only be left by leaving the game. playing again, i had to go out of my way to avoid going to the exit before anything else on the upper levels, and that was still without incentive (what's the bone-count thing? no indication of how many apricots or butterflies i picked up), and rats repeatedly killed themselves (even more often than i killed myself) if they were ever near lava.

the gliding system is no fun. maybe it would be if the mechanics were better-understood, but they make no effort to train you in gliding.

who else has thoughts regarding it?


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!