The code look very similar to lite-c to me wink

Easy Game Development

Here's an example to show just how easy Dark GDK is:

// whenever using Dark GDK you must ensure you include the header file
#include "DarkGDK.h"

// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void )
    // turn on sync rate and set maximum rate to 60 fps
    dbSyncOn   ( );
    dbSyncRate ( 60 );

    // switch to the media directory, load our world
    // and turn lighting off
    SetCurrentDirectory ( "media" );
    dbLoadObject        ( "universe.dbo", 1 );
    dbSetObjectLight    ( 1, 0 );

    // load a model for our sky
    dbLoadObject        ( "skybox2.x", 2 );
    dbSetObjectLight    ( 2, 0 );
    dbSetObjectTexture    ( 2, 3, 2 );
    dbScaleObject        ( 2, 5000, 5000, 5000 );

    // position the camera
    dbPositionCamera    ( 434, 42, -517 );

    // camera variables
    float fCameraAngleX = 0.0f;
    float fCameraAngleY = 0.0f;

    // our main loop
    while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
        // move the camera using the arrow keys
        dbControlCameraUsingArrowKeys ( 0, 5.0f, 0.3f );

        // create a rotation axis based on mouse movement
        fCameraAngleX = dbWrapValue ( fCameraAngleX + dbMouseMoveY ( ) * 0.4f );
        fCameraAngleY = dbWrapValue ( fCameraAngleY + dbMouseMoveX ( ) * 0.4f );

        // rotate camera
        dbXRotateCamera ( fCameraAngleX );
        dbYRotateCamera ( fCameraAngleY );
        // update the screen
        dbSync ( );

    // return back to windows