Originally Posted By: Dooley
Originally Posted By: Lukas

As Tiles said, the big bang is the BEGIN of cause and doesn't need a cause.

This is the last time I'm going to mention this. If the Big Bang doesn't need a cause, why do you assume that God needs a cause?

Your Big Bang, without a cause, is also outside of causality.

Can someone else help try to explain this, I'm giving up.

You are claiming it exactly the other way round!
All what I wanted to say is, that if you assume that the big bang needs a cause (god), god logically also needs a cause!

"Your Big Bang, without a cause, is also outside of causality."
It was the BEGIN of causality. Which means it influences us, but not the other way round. There is no contradiction. But god is claimed to be influenced by us, too (sinning->making him angry). That means events in "outside of cause" have a cause (which includes the origin of god), which is a contradiction.