Hello, dear forum!

Since I want to get back in the whole game-creation-process during these free days, I thought I could start by, you know, doing one of these minigames. Just to get back in the swing of things. I really don't want to spend a lot of time on it, so I've limited myself to one day (okay, definately not more than two days. So basically this weekend.

In order to make this fun for everyone, I will keep a ticker. There you can see in crazy realtime if I make it or how I fail horribly. In any case, it's likely going to be fun!

Why am I telling you this? Mostly because this actually forces me to do this - the embarassment of failing is now this large. Second, because I want you to do that as well! Take some time off this weekend and create a small, interesting game, explore that one concept that you have in the back of your mind. It would be awesome to see dozens of interesting game concepts done by us - our very own Experimental series!
I have posted this here so that you can use whatever you want - always wanted to try to create that MMORPG with QBasic? Why not try that today? Have that idea for a cardgame and want to improve your Delphi-skills? Sounds like a plan for today!

You can do a ticker as well or just post it here, but it would be very nice to see how different people work on their projects. Plus, new users could see how more experienced users work.
If you want, you could also try to create a game with someone you havent worked with in the past to see if your compatible. Lots of reason to take part in this!

So, dear forum, please create games. And if you don't, please cheer on those of us who do.

I'm pretty sure this will end up with zero replies.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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