You can still definately take part in this! The deadline would be monday morning (Bonuspoints if you manage to create the game in one day). Please participate! It would be really enat to see how different our workstyles are, and there are valuable lessons to be had for everyone. smile
We could also post all those games in the Contest-forum and have the forum vote on them - of course we have no prizes (unless someone sponsors something), but it'd still be cool!

badapple and also Doof_Guy, I'm counting on you!

I realize that I should have announced this earlier, but you can still participate in this.
If there is enough interest - and it seems that there actually is - then I could try to organize this a bit better, which would then result in an "Experimental Game"-contest - two days to work on a game that has to fit a certain theme. Who would enter such a contest?

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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