
When it comes to God there is not test. There is no way to prove that he/she/it is out there. Someone can have the idea ... the concept ... but it is simply not testable.


ID/Creationism are not testable, thus are not science, thus do not belong in a science class.

The big bang is testable as we can see the results of it today and work backwards through the laws and theories of physics and mathematics. Evolution, is an incomplete theory, I'll admit, but is testable through fossil examination, bacteria, and other short-generation creatures like the fruit fly.


As such, most scientists would have to conclude that there is either not a god or gods or that, if there is, then we simply don't know who he/she/it is.

And hence a major factor in my disillusionment with the Church. (along with the unchristian behavior of the right wing, the superstition and the rabid denial of fact even in the face of overwhelming evidence).

Agnosticism is my stand point. I challenge anyone to prove there is a god and I challenge anyone to disprove it.

I was once Anonymous_Alcoholic.

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