Thanks everyone! Seems like this contest is over.
EDIT: Missed cerber_cromans project. I will wait a few hours for him.

Fear has already provided me with a link to his game (he doesn't have an internetconnection right now) - he already finished his game after one day, but didn't want to post it that early.

you can get Fears entry here:'s_Santa.rar 

Seems like we managed the five-contestant-thing! I will open a new thread for voting and discussing the entries shortly. Please continue to discuss the contest itself in this thread.

I want to hear your opinions! - Regardless if you took part or not, how did you like this experience? Would you like to see these kind of contests again? If so, with limited themes or without, and how does it affect other paramteres? (I.e.: If we give themes, offer these contests more often). No themes at all, or more to choose from (or less?), shall they restrict genre other than theme, or shall they become even less restrictive ("use a catchphrase"?). How did you like the ticker-idea? One entry~3 hour: Good rate, too often, too difficult to keep up? Or bad idea altogether? Please take a moment and give us feedback!

THanks Joozey for your comments! I see your thoughts about the theme-restriction, but I am still not sure if I am really against it. I'd like to hear more opinions on the subject.
Obviously, a theme restricts - that's what its there for. Maybe a different kind of restritcion would work better, but I'm afraid one would have to experiment with these.
It's surprising, but usually, restriction helps when it comes to imagination - there once was, for example, a project in which someone created games that had to fit three words picked randomly from a newspaper. I tried to emulate that with themes, but I am not sure if I succeeded.
By the way, I first planned to only give the heartwarming-theme. While I'd love to see what kind of games everyone would come up, I added the second one because I was afraid most people wouldn't be too sure what to make of it. Hm.

Also, artists have, once again, an advancement over programmers to win due to the fact that the public chooses the game. They will, in almost all cases, choose the best looking.

This is a sentiment I agree on, but one I'm not sure how to avoid. Maybe if we had some volunteers who would create art-assets for the coders (or code-snippets for the artists?). Everyone could ask in this thread that he or she needs something, and someone would help. Of course - thats even harder to organize!
Any other ideas?

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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