I'm getting an unusual error with a traceback or path or some thing...I don't know if you can make any sense of this.

the last statements made in the cosole.....

filename: c:\Valiant Black\terrain\build01\water_bucket.mdl
object "water_bucket":
texture "barrel": 512x512
texture "barrel_water": 256x256
213 uvs
62 vertices
120 faces
"barrel.bmp" copied to target folder
"barrel_water.bmp" copied to target folder
static mdl7 export done in 0.141971908946 seconds!
static mdl7 export
filename: c:\Valiant Black\terrain\build01\tree_swamp.mdl
object "tree_swamp":
texture "leaves": 512x512
texture "bark_03": 1024x1024
211 uvs
228 vertices
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Blender\.blender\scripts\export_gs_map.py", line 493, in export
write(path, name)
File "E:\Blender\.blender\scripts\export_gs_map.py", line 453, in write
export_gs_mdl7_static.write(sys.join(path, mdlname), [o], scale)
File "E:\Blender\.blender\scripts\export_gs_mdl7_static.py", line 562, in writ
File "E:\Blender\.blender\scripts\export_gs_mdl7_static.py", line 474, in writ
self.exporttriangles(mesh, group)
File "E:\Blender\.blender\scripts\export_gs_mdl7_static.py", line 536, in expo
if SS_TRIANGLE == 26: t.adduvset(uvs.index(fuv[1][2]), uvs.index(fuv[1][1]),
uvs.index(fuv[1][0]), ti[1])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable

The odd thing is I can compile and run every object individually in the .blend by using your lvl exporter, but as a whole I get these errors.

EDIT: GOT IT! strange, it was a bad UV I guess...I looked at the console again and thought about it....for about 10 min. because I knew I had checked the uv's on my models...I added one model since and I guess it had a bad UV???? deleting and creating a new UV did the trick.

Last edited by Nowherebrain; 01/01/09 18:14.

Everybody Poops.
here are some tutorials I made.