Quoting Preypacer.
One thing I don't get is what is the relationship between FPS and the time_step value?

What influence does one have on the other?

time_step has no or little influence on FPS directly, but FPS 'influences' time_step.

time_step ('duration') is lower with a greater FPS (rate)
---faster machine?
---frame finished faster = lower time (time_step)
---code is executed more often
---my.distance += 5 * time_step; // (<- less time has passed; move less, more often)

time_step ('duration') is greater with a lower FPS (rate)
---slower machine?
---frame took longer to finish = greater time (time_step)
---code is executed less often
---my.distance += 5 * time_step; // (<- more time has passed; move further, less often)

No need to make it exceedingly complicated.
Maybe, for now, just remember to multiply by time_step for entity translation (movement / rotation).

If something won't 'click' (information & comprehension):
---If possible, continue, and maybe after more time, or more data, it will click later.
---Does it have to 'click', or 'click' that way?

should that workshop just make perfect sense to someone who hasn't programmed before?

Understanding varies with the individual, but certainly, an individual with prior greater interests in math and programming might digest such material faster than an individual with alternate prior greater interests in art.
Of course, guarantees might not be offered for prior interests and understanding, and no doubt, comprehension of all information at the deepest level is probably unnecessary.