There is a fundamental difference between the way we think. I think I understand it now, it's good.

You say you are relying only on provable facts, but I disagree. I think your rejection of God is just as emotional as my belief. How can I say this?

Let me provide an example:
There is a person who murders people. He murders them and he takes their money and he lives off of this method. He thinks murder is good, because without it, he wouldn't know what to do. Prove that murder is wrong.

For the record, I believe that murders is wrong for two reasons. First, I have a very bad feeling when I hear of someone being murdered. I 'feel' it is wrong because I wouldn't want it to happen to me or anyone I know. Second, I believed the prophets, when they said that God commanded us not to murder.

We have feelings for a reason. I don't believe that all truth is something that can be proven or disproven, it is intuitive. If you don't agree with this, please prove that murder is wrong.