I have some problems with DOF, Terrain and the "All in One" Shaders of your lib. This is all I tested so far.

The first screenshot shows how DOF reacts on tilt camera rotation.
Booth scenes are from the same position and on the second scene the camera is rotated down. The first scene should have DOF like the second scene but it pops away in some situations.
Sorry for the large picture but this is the original height and not scaled down to show how it exactly looks like.

The second screenshot shows also how DOF reacts on tilt rotations but on the Objects itself. I have marked the problem of the DOF in the second scene with the red line.

The last screenshot shows a problem I have with the terrain shader and the original terrain of your demo level in my project. The same terrain works fine in your demo level!

The "All in One" shader doesn't react on the sunlight. Is there a way to get it working?
The settings for sc_obj_aio.fx:
//Use Diffuse Lighting

//Use Shadowmap

//Use Specular Lighting

//Use Environment Mapping

//Use Velvety Effect
#define VELVETY

//Use Normalmapping

//Use Luminance Mapping

//Use Team Color
#define TCOLOR

//Above Effects will react to sunlight (only needed if you have dynamic lights in your level)
//#define DOSUN

//Diffuse Lighting will react to 5 additional dynamic lights including the sun

//Use PixelShader 2.a | set this if you get an errormessage ("code uses too many many arithmetic instruction slots")
#define PS2A

Evil Blood (v. 0.52) RPG
Commport.de (Social Network Community)