[quote]Better yet, why would it promise us heaven? It's crazy and we all know it, some just won't admit. /quote]Crazy? I admit that if there was a definition of crazy, having a creator would be crazy, but there is nothing wrong with crazy.

Of course, believing that matter came into existence of its own accord, then became alive and started to study itself is not crazy at all. That is completely normal.

[quote] that ultimately after billions of years of interaction cause us humans to come into existence /quote]God is not bound to time like we are, billions of years is nothing to Him, He has a completely different frame of reference.
[quote]The virtual particles are actually " real particles " same as proton, neutrons and electrons , except for the fact that their life spam is very short and their density is very low/quote]Im sure that other particles exist, but it then just shifts the question to : Where did THOSE particles come from?

Eventually any particle at all either:

1)always existed
2)was created

Option 1 does not work for my brain, if it works for your brain perhaps you are a different species of homo sapien than me, grin but I cannot imagine or conceive of any particle not having a beginning.

[quote]The Heisemberg's principle of indetermination entails that vacuum does not exist/quote]The Heisenberg uncertainty principle only states that very small things cannot be precisely located, it is a far leap to assume that it prohibits a vacuum.

[quote]Well this is just a different mind set, my mind knows that matter couldn't have come into existence by itself.

Why not?? But god could??/quote]It makes sense to me that God could exist from eternity, but it does not make sense that matter could exist from eternity.