I just want to say that I think you missed the point of my example of morality. Let me re-phrase it.

You claim that religion is bad, because it seeks to control people. That's fine, If that's all religion does, then it is bad. However, what scientific proof are you using to conclude that something is bad or good?

I agree that murder is bad, but I believe this because I feel it. Do you also feel that murder is bad? If so, is that enough, or do you need to somehow 'prove' that murder is bad?

I also agree that forcing people to 'believe' something is wrong, I don't even think it can be done. Do you agree with this? If so, why? I believe it is wrong to force someone to believe in something, because I would not feel good if someone did it to me. Why do you think it's wrong to force someone to believe in something? Have you seen 'proof' that this is bad?

My point is that some truths are things that are self evident, and do not meet the criteria for being proven or disproven.

I am not trying to argue that we need religion in order to have morality.

Lukas, I will respond to your comments, just not now. It's 2:00 am...