- updated dll to newton 2.18 (its a pitty, but in 2.18 almost no new features)
- fixed 'Empty prototype' error with the help of BigM, all NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze is changed to NewtonBodySetAutoSleep
- added map21.c - impluse weapon demo, that was excluded before the contest because of errors and craches, now works fine
- added map50.c with compounds, i worked a lot with it, it must be the one of main feature of wrapper but, i forget about it frown also now works fine

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

Newton2 videos: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonVideos
LiteC+Newton2 discussion: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonWrapperDiscussion
Latest LiteC+Newton2 version(v23, from 29.10.2009): http://depositfiles.com/files/ae1l0tpro