First of all I dont dare to propose anything, here we are at the limits of human knowledge
Right, I understand that you are just relating what your limited knowledge is about state of the art theories, but I'm not sure I can agree that you are also representing 'the limits of human knowledge', you can only represent the 'limits of AlbertoT's knowledge' and I can only represent the 'limits of nitro's knowledge' and I think that perhaps many of these internet discussions go far off into left field because certain individuals tend to believe that they know the extents of 'human knowledge' or that they know the extents of 'God knowledge'. So thats why I say what 'you' are proposing, because I do not accept you or any other individual as the voice of rationality and science. You are making propositions based upon your limited knowledge and yours and my knowledge is limited to how much we have learned from books and mathematical exersizes.

The term " matter " by itself is not a scientific term
How can you measure the quantiy of matter ?
You can measure mass, energy, speed etc but not matter
This is a very interesting question, and I don't find that sort of question as beyond common sense or intuition. Really this question opens up an unlimited set of possibilities which makes the concept of God much more understandable. Now with this understanding people can no longer discount God simply because they cannot see Him, because the property of invisibility is also shared with these strange undefinable particles. Who is to say God exists or doesn't exist? Maybe He is comprised of some particles, energy or quantum packets which we have yet to understand? Maybe He created the world with processes we don't yet understand. Its foolish and presumptous to assume that it cannot be true.

However in the final analysis of this thread giving yourself some mystery particles which must exist is a convenient way to turn the question of the Universe's existence into a tautology.

Mathematician are aware of the domain of validity of their speculation
Mathematics is the foundation and basis of ALL true science.