Who is to say God exists or doesn't exist? Maybe He is comprised of some particles, energy or quantum packets which we have yet to understand? Maybe He created the world with processes we don't yet understand. Its foolish and presumptous to assume that it cannot be true.

And so long as there is no evidence to support a god, science has to wait until there is evidence. Science works on empirical evidence. If a theory has no empirical evidence, it cannot be used, no matter if it is hypothetically possible.

Not YET it doesn't. But we don't know if any such evidence will ever exist, and assuming that it won't makes no sense to me. We can't possibly know right now, if we jump to conclusions about the existence or non-existence of God we are making assumptions.

And God, like everything else that is not supported by evidence, must be ignored by science until this evidence is revealed.

Science, unlike faith, goes by what you can empirically sense, not by what anyone believes.

I was once Anonymous_Alcoholic.

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